臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.10(3-4)

特集名 透析医療におけるコミュニケーションスキル
題名 [腎不全看護におけるコミュニケーション]小児腎不全患者に対して
発刊年月 2004年 09月
著者 笹垣 章子 国立病院機構西札幌病院5病棟・看護師
著者 堂腰 真希子 国立病院機構西札幌病院5病棟・看護師
著者 船木 真沙恵 国立病院機構西札幌病院5病棟・看護師
著者 本間 睦子 国立病院機構西札幌病院5病棟・看護師
【 要旨 】 小児の腎不全は,患児とその家族に心理的にも社会的にも強いストレスをもたらし,しばしば,児の精神心理的成熟は妨げられる.また,ケアする家族,とくに母親の負担は多大である.小児の腎不全看護では,患児の意思や気持ちをその行動や態度から推測したり,積極的に関わって引き出すというコミュニケーション技術が重要である.さらに,患児ばかりでなく,家族に対しても十分なコミュニケーションを行い,医療チームによる適切なサポートを行うことが必要である.
Theme Communication Skill in the Dialysis Medical Treatment
Title Communication skills required to support children with end-stage renal disease and their families
Author Akiko Sasagaki Department of Nursing, Nishi-Sapporo National Hospital
Author Makiko Doukoshi Department of Nursing, Nishi-Sapporo National Hospital
Author Masae Funaki Department of Nursing, Nishi-Sapporo National Hospital
Author Mutsuko Honma Department of Nursing, Nishi-Sapporo National Hospital
[ Summary ] End-stage renal disease results in severe psychological and social stress for both those children with disease and their families. Characteristically, their normal progression to independence is impeded, and the burden of care upon the families, particularly mothers, can be substantial. It is increasingly recognized that supporting such children and their familiesrequires special communication skills and knowledge which nurses must acquire. Furthermore, the multi-disciplinary team must develop a support strategy, which includes appropriate information with good communication.
We reported on a 10-year-old boy receiving peritoneal dialysis, whose renal transplantation was postponed, because of his refusal to practice taking medicines. We described how to obtain information from and communicate with the patient and the family and how to adopt individualized approaches.