臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.10(3-1)

特集名 透析医療におけるコミュニケーションスキル
題名 [腎不全看護におけるコミュニケーション]保存期腎不全患者に対して -- 経験から学んでいくこと
発刊年月 2004年 09月
著者 平山 八千子 大阪府立急性期・総合医療センター人工透析室・看護師
【 要旨 】 慢性腎不全保存期の患者との関わりのなかで,もっと上手くコミュニケーションが取れたらいいのに,と思うことがよくある.今回は,指導のなか,また治療選択の場面に焦点を当てて,筆者の長年の経験から学んだことをまとめてみた.保存期患者の特徴は,腎機能の段階がさまざまなこと,病気の受容レベルにも個人差があることである.医療スタッフは患者に対して上手く受け答えができることやきちんと指導ができることももちろん必要であるが,「患者の言葉や態度から看護者が何を感じるのか」のほうが,重要ではないかと考える.したがって,一度立ち止まって,自分の経験を振り返ること,「看護者の姿勢」を見つめ直すことを勧めたい.そしてその振り返りを看護者各々の力にすることが必要になる.そうすることが「気持ちがつながる,言葉が伝わる」ことになるのではないかと思う.
Theme Communication Skill in the Dialysis Medical Treatment
Title Communication skills for pre-dialysispatient -- the importance of returningcommunications between patients andnurse
Author Yachiko Hirayama Department of Nursing, Osaka General Medical Center
[ Summary ] It is often supposed that more skillful communication with patients having chronic renal insufficiency is required. This is a summarization of the educational skills necessary for making the choices necessary for renal replacement therapy.
A particular point concerning predialysis patients is the various stages of kidney functions and the individual differences in mental acceptance of the disease. Of course, it is also important that skillful communication and sufficient instruction be carried out. What nursing personnel gather from patients' conversations and attitude is important. Therefore, we must immediately look back on our experiences. It is also recommend that we consider the status nursing personnel again. Close examination of all nursing personnel is needed. The emotions transmitted by what we say are especially important. It is important that nursing personnel understand patients' emotions from what they say.
We must reflect on our medical experiences. It is recommended that all nursing personnel consider their means of being nursing staff members once again. A method of returning communication is needed for all nursing personnel. Doing so creates empathy in the staff and good communications between nurses and patients.