臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.10(1-3)

特集名 透析医療におけるコミュニケーションスキル
題名 [総論]透析室におけるコミュニケーションの特徴
発刊年月 2004年 09月
著者 有薗 健二 熊本中央病院腎臓科
【 要旨 】 透析室のコミュニケーションには,医療スタッフ間,患者と医療スタッフ間などがある.医療スタッフ間においては情報の共有化を行い,役割分担,業務内容を把握し,そのなかでお互いが助け合う姿勢が大切である.患者と医療スタッフ間においては,患者や家族と同じ視線をもち,同じ立場に立って考える“共感”の姿勢が大切であるが,同時に,必要に応じていつでも第三者的な立場に戻ることのできる柔軟性も不可欠である.患者自身がその内容を十分に理解でき,その過程や結果を医療スタッフと共有し,納得することで初めてコミュニケーションが成立する.チームの一員として患者も参加した医療を目指したい.
Theme Communication Skill in the Dialysis Medical Treatment
Title Characteristics of dialysis room communication
Author Kenji Arizono Department of Nephrology, Kumamoto Chuo Hospital
[ Summary ] In the dialysis room, communication exisits between medical staff members and between the patient and the medical staff. When the medical staff communicates with each other, they should have a grasp their own roles and duties and help each other, by sharing information. When they communicate with the patient, they should maintain the same perspective with the patient and his/her family, but it is important that they be flexible enough to be able to take the stance of a third party, whenneeded. Communication between the patient and the medical staff is established for the first time when the patient can fully understand and agree on the contents of the conversation by sharing information on processes and results with the medical staff. The goal should be to have the patient become a team member for their own treatment.