臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.10(1-2)

特集名 透析医療におけるコミュニケーションスキル
題名 [総論]「医療コミュニケーション」について
発刊年月 2004年 09月
著者 加藤 雅志 東海大学医学部精神科
著者 保坂 隆 東海大学医学部精神科
【 要旨 】 医療者は,病気の患者から正しい情報を得て,良好な関係を樹立して,そのような温かい受容的な環境で診療を進め,病気を治し,最後に助言や指導をしていくものである.そのすべての過程で,医療コミュニケーションが必要になってくるのである.
具体的には,良好な患者-医療者関係 (ラポール) の形成に始まり,姿勢や位置などの非言語的スキルや,質問の種類や支持などの言語的なスキルが必要になってくる.しかし,何にも増して必要なことは,患者の立場に立って傾聴することである.傾聴には,相手の立場や価値観に立って話を聴く,自らがもつ偏見を意識する,相手の体調や精神状態を把握する,などが前提になってくる.
Theme Communication Skill in the Dialysis Medical Treatment
Title Medical communication
Author Masashi Kato Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Tokal University School of Medecine
Author Takashi Hosaka Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Tokal University School of Medecine
[ Summary ] Recently, medical communication has been focused on for the following reasons ; 1) more medical suites are based on incomplete communication between medical staff members and patients/families, 2) education on informed consent has not been provided although its importance has been recognized, and 3) comprehensive medical care seeing the patient as a whole being is needed rather than seeing them as simply an organ and/or a disease.
Therefore, medical communication has been focused on the above problems. Medical communication is needed to establish a good relationship between medical staff members and patients/families, to provide medical care in a humanistic atmosphere, to reduce their discomfort, and to provide good suggestions for maintaining health inducing environments.
The first step toward developing good medical communication is to establish rapport with the patients and their families. Next, non-verbal and verbal communication must be provided in various situations. Non-verbal communication includes attitude, body language, etc. Verbal communication includes open-ended questions, closed-ended questions and focused questions. However, the basic skill for medical communication is listening to what a patient has to say.