臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.1(10)

特集名 透析療法における様々なガイドラインを考える
題名 血圧調節
発刊年月 2004年 01月
著者 井関 邦敏 琉球大学医学部附属病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 透析患者の高血圧治療として,一般住民の大規模疫学的研究で得られた成績をもとに降圧目標 < 130/80mmHgで,2種類以上の降圧薬の併用が勧められる.日本透析医学会の調査では降圧薬の使用率が男性62.2%,女性56.0%,経口的昇圧薬が10.8%であった.血圧低下のパターンは安定 (23.6%),低下・回復 (30.3%),大低下・小回復 (14.9%),低下・未回復 (31.1%) の4群に分けられる.透析中に昇圧療法を必要としない患者は68.2%であった.昇圧療法の内訳としては生理食塩液 (18.3%) がもっとも多い.透析前後の除水率が2~8%を規準に,これより少なくても多くても生命予後は不良である.
Theme Diagnostic and Therapeutic Guidelines in End-stage Renal Failure
Title Abnormalities in blood pressure regulation in chronic hemodialysis patients
Author Kunitoshi Iseki Dialysis Unit, University Hospital of The Ryukyus
[ Summary ] Hypertension is common in chronic hemodialysis patients. According to the guidelines obtained in the general population, the target level of blood pressure should be <130/80 mmHg and patients may need more than two drugs. The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy has published the rate of use of antihypertensives as being 62.2% in men and 56.0% in women, and the rate for hypotension drugs was 10.8%. Patterns of hypotension during dialysis were categorized into 4 groups; stable 23.6% droped but recovered 30.3% large droped but small recovery 14.9% and droped but not recovered 31.1%. The figure for these who did not require any treatment for hypotension during hemodialysis was 68.2%. Saline infusion was the most prevalent (18.3%) as a treatment strategy for hypotension during hemodialysis. Death risk was low with a range of weight reduction of 2.0% to 8.0% for dialysis sessions; otherwise the risk of death was elevated.