臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.9(2-9)

特集名 透析医療におけるIT化はどこまで進んでいるか
題名 医薬品物流システムのIT化 -- 透析医療における今後の展開
発刊年月 2003年 08月
著者 古田 実 株式会社シスプラン
【 要旨 】 医薬品のなかで圧倒的なシェアを誇る医療用医薬品の業界環境は,製薬会社,医薬品卸会社とも,吸収合併,買収(M&A)の嵐が吹き荒れ,外資系医薬品会社の参入もあり,その販売競争は激化している.薬事法の改正や規制緩和による市場競争を乗り切るため,医薬品卸各社は自社のBPRのためのIT化に留まらず,顧客(医療機関)を囲い込むためのIT化を実施し,あたかもITベンダー的な販売戦略を採用している.
Theme How far have the Progress of Information Technology been made in Dialysis Therapy?
Title Information technology for dialysis material supplies-Future discoveries for dialysis treatment
Author Minoru Furuta Sysplan Inc.
[ Summary ] The recent sales war concerning medicines has assumed some serious aspects. There has been a deluge of marketing, as well as the participation of foreign owned medical companies. The number of pharmaceutical companies and medical supply wholesalers in the market for medicines and medical supplies has brought about an overwhelming quantity of these products.
To overcome the market competition caused by the revision of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and the removal of restrictions, medical supply wholesalers have adopted not only digitalized system for their own BPR, but have also taken charge of their customers (medical entities), and have adopted sales strategies as if they were IT vendors.
A major change has come about in the medical supply industry. It is urgent for small and medium sized dialysis facilities to become digitalized with high cost performance suites added to their facilities. While this will be a major change within the medical community, concerning treatment, it will lead to improved QOL for patients.