臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.8(9)

特集名 透析医療におけるウーマン・ヘルス
題名 透析患者の乳癌
発刊年月 2003年 07月
著者 中澤 哲 東京女子医科大学第二外科学教室
著者 神尾 孝子 東京女子医科大学第二外科学教室
著者 亀岡 信悟 東京女子医科大学第二外科学教室
【 要旨 】 女性における癌の部位別罹患率は乳房が1位となり,今後,透析患者においても増加傾向を示すと考えられる.乳癌の診断法,手術法,薬剤治療法は従来の方法に加えて近年多様な進歩がみられる.透析患者においても一部制限があるものの,用いる薬剤の選択と使用法を的確に行い,周術期の全身管理を適切に行うことにより非透析患者と同様の積極的な診断と治療が可能である.
Theme Characteristic Problems in Managing Female Dialysis Patients
Title Breast cancer in hemodialysis patients
Author Satoru Nakazawa Department of Surgery II, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Takako Kamio Department of Surgery II, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Shingo Kameoka Department of Surgery II, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Among all types of cancer in women, breast cancer ranks first, and there is expected to be an increased frequency of breast cancer in dialysis patients in the future. In addition to the earlier methods of treating breast cancer, various types of surgical procedures have been developed in recent years. Although there are certain restrictions in dialysis patients, the same positive diagnosis and the same positive medical treatment as for non-dialysis patients is possible with proper selection and use of medicines and by appropriately performing whole body management for approximately one week before and one week after operations.