臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.8(8)

特集名 透析医療におけるウーマン・ヘルス
題名 女性にやさしい透析室を考える
発刊年月 2003年 07月
著者 大坪 公子 三軒茶屋病院内科
著者 大坪 由里子 三軒茶屋病院内科
著者 植田 修逸 三軒茶屋病院内科
著者 白濱 康弘 三軒茶屋病院内科
著者 風間 繁 三軒茶屋病院内科
著者 杉本 久之 三軒茶屋病院内科
【 要旨 】 性差を考慮した医療(gender-specific medicine)が,医療のあらゆる面に浸透してきた.透析室は当初から集団透析治療が行われており,女性のプライバシーへの配慮が欠けていた.リプロダクティブ・ヘルス/ライツの面で,妊娠,出産,育児は女性特有の問題として取り扱わなければならない.女性にやさしい透析室を設備関係(ハードの面),つまり機械配置とベッド配置,空調,採光,更衣室,洗面所,トイレ,ロビーおよび待合室の面から,また人的運用面(ソフトの面)では透析室に関わるさまざまな職種,透析室での回診,性の問題への援助,介護問題,傾聴すること,職員への教育について述べ,まず医療従事者が視点を変える必要を強調した.
Theme Characteristic Problems in Managing Female Dialysis Patients
Title Female-friendly dialysis unit
Author Kimiko Otsubo Department of Internal Medicine, Sangenjaya Hospital
Author Yuriko Otsubo Department of Internal Medicine, Sangenjaya Hospital
Author Shuitsu Ueda Department of Internal Medicine, Sangenjaya Hospital
Author Yasuhiro Shirahama Department of Internal Medicine, Sangenjaya Hospital
Author Shigeru Kazama Department of Internal Medicine, Sangenjaya Hospital
Author Hisayuki Sugimoto Department of Internal Medicine, Sangenjaya Hospital
[ Summary ] The concept of gender-specific medicine has now been well accepted in every form of clinical medical practice. Historically, the woman's right to privacy has not been well maintained in the dialysis unit, where patients of both sexes have been treated simulataneously. Pregnancy, labor and child care should be addressed as a female-specific issue in the context of reproductive health/rights. Female-friendly dialysis unit should be designed with particular attention to placement of the dialyzer and bed, the dressing room, wash room, rest room, lobby and the waiting room, as well as air-conditioning and lighting. The issue of proper operation of dialysis units, with special emphasis on its heterogeneous staffing, medical examinations therein, listening to and assisting patients regarding their problems with sex and general care, and staff education were addressed. In this regard, nothing is more important than changing the point of view of all medical workers.