臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.8(6)

特集名 透析医療におけるウーマン・ヘルス
題名 女性のCAPD -- 問題点と工夫
発刊年月 2003年 07月
著者 樋口 千恵子 東京女子医科大学附属第2病院内科
著者 佐中 孜 東京女子医科大学附属第2病院内科
【 要旨 】 女性CAPD患者の女性特有の問題点としては,排卵・月経に伴う血性排液,膣・子宮からの上行感染,および妊娠・出産があげられる.排卵・月経などに伴う血性排液は多くの女性で認められ通常は問題ないが,出血量が多い場合は凝血によるカテーテル閉塞防止のため洗浄やヘパリンのバッグ内注入を行う.膣・子宮からの上行感染は,婦人科的操作,腹腔内と膣間の瘻孔形成や子宮内の挿入異物(IUD)の感染が卵管を経由し腹膜炎を起こす場合がほとんどである.これに対しては,瘻孔の有無の確認やIUDの使用を避けるなどの対処をする.妊娠・出産については,持続的透析法であるCAPDは血液透析に比べ有利な点があるが,注意点もあり,十分なケアが必要である.
Theme Characteristic Problems in Managing Female Dialysis Patients
Title Female patients receiving CAPD
Author Chieko Higuchi Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University Daini Hospital
Author Tsutomu Sanaka Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University Daini Hospital
[ Summary ] For female CAPD patients the specific complications are hemoperitoneum during menstruation or ovulation, ascending peritonitis from the vagina or the uterus, and pregnancy. Hemoperitoneum during menstruation or ovulation is not an infrequent complication in women of reproductive age, and it is considered benign. In sever bleeding cases, flushes with peritoneal dialysis fluid or heparin in the dialysate have been used to prevent catheter clotting. Most cases of ascending peritonitis from the vagina or the uterus have occurred as complications of the gynecological operations, peritoneovaginal leakage or, infections related to implanted intrauterine devices (IUD) producing ascending infections through the fallopian tubes into the peritoneum. To prevent ascending infections, it is important to diagnose the presence of the peritoneovaginal leakage or avoid the use of IUDs. Although PD therapy has several advantages for pregnancy, such as the continuous nature of the therapy, it also has some disadvantages. Careful management is needed for successful pregnancies in CAPD patients.