臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.5(5)

特集名 腹膜透析における新しいトレンド
題名 カルボニル基のない糖類を浸透圧物質とする透析液の可能性
発刊年月 2003年 05月
著者 友 雅司 大分医科大学感染分子病態制御講座(内科学2)
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析液浸透圧物質であるブドウ糖はカルボニル基をもつことにより腹膜の劣化因子であるadvanced glycation end products(AGEs)を生成しやすく,分子量が小さいために限界濾過効果も数時間で弱まるという問題点がある.カルボニル基をもたない糖類:lactobionate,maltitol,nistoseを浸透圧物質とした透析液ではブドウ糖透析液と比較して,(1) 細胞傷害性はブドウ糖と同等かそれ以下,(2) 透析液中glucose degradation products(GDPs)も少ない,(3) Maillard反応が起こりにくい.動物実験では,(4) 分子量が大きいことなどによる限外濾過効能が高い,(5) 溶質除去はブドウ糖透析液と同等であり,浸透圧物質としての可能性が期待される.
Theme New Trends in Peritoneal Dialysis Technologies
Title The possibility of peritoneal dialysis fluids using mid-level saccharides without carbonyl base
Author Tadashi Tomo Second Department of Internal Medicine, Oita Medical University
[ Summary ] The carbonyl types of glucose react non-enzymatically with the amino groups of proteins to form advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are barmful to the peritoneum. Glucose has a lower molecular weight, so that it is rapidly absorbed into the body and ultrafiltration cannot be maintained through out the period.
Peritoneal dialysates, using saccharides, lacking a carbonyl group, such as lactobionate, maltitol and nistose, have equivalent or lower cytotoxity, less glucose degradation products (GDPs), and less reactivity to forms of AGEs compared to glucose. In animal experiments, these dialysates revealed greater ultrafiltration and no differences in dialysate/plasma (D/P) urea. It was therefore determined that there was a possibility of these saccharides being used as new osmotic agents.