臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.5(1)

特集名 腹膜透析における新しいトレンド
題名 透析液再生型腹膜透析の可能性
発刊年月 2003年 05月
著者 峰島 三千男 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター血液浄化療法科
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析の溶質除去能改善を目的として,CRPD(連続的再循環腹膜透析)とBPD(断続的流出入型腹膜透析)の2種の透析液再生型腹膜透析を開発した.どちらも,患者腹腔内にいったん貯液した腹膜透析液の一部を,CRPDでは新開発のダブルルーメンカテーテルを用いて連続的に体外循環し,BPDではリバーシブルポンプを用いて体外に流出入させ,いずれも外部ダイアライザによって連続浄化する治療である.イヌex vivo試験,臨床を通じ,その有用性を検討した結果,CAPD(連続的腹膜透析)に比べ高い溶質除去能が確認された.透析液再生型腹膜透析は高効率のみならず,重炭酸の補充やアルブミン漏出防止などの利点もあり,今後専用装置ならびにシステムの開発により汎用化が期待される.
Theme New Trends in Peritoneal Dialysis Technologies
Title Feasibility of continuous regeneration system of peritoneal dialysate
Author Michio Mineshima Division of Blood Purification, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Two types of continuous regeneration systems for peritoneal dialysate have been developed to enhance the solute removal efficiency in conventional peritoneal dialysis therapy, such as CAPD. In continuous recirculating peritoneal dialysis (CRPD), part of the dialysate in the patient's peritoneal cavity continuously extracorporates through a newly developed double-lumen catheter and is purified by an outside dialyzer. In bi-directional peritoneal dialysis (BPD), part of the dialysate moves back and forth between the patient's peritoneal cavity and an outside dialysate reservoir via a reversible pump, giving the system an alternating drain phase and an infusion phase. In both phases, the additional dialyzer continually purifies the peritoneal dialysate. Higher solute removal efficiency of CRPD/BPD was verified during a canine ex vivo study and a clinical study. In CRPD/BPD, there are some advantages to CAPD such as the usage of bicarbonate diffusers from outside the dialysate via added dialyzer. There was no leakage of albumin using the additional dialyzer, etc.