臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.3(3-2-2)

特集名 透析医療における看護の質と量 -- 看護度設定とその効果
題名 透析室における看護度設定の試み (2) 増子記念病院における活用状況の実際と意義
発刊年月 2003年 03月
著者 佐藤 久光 増子記念病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析医療の保険点数が改定のたびに切り下げられている今日の状況下では,安全よりも効率を重視した人員配置を目指す傾向が強くなりがちである.このことが施設間における「透析医療の質」「看護の質」の格差を生んではいないだろうかと危惧される.こうしたなかで,透析患者の「手の掛かり度」を点数化して表現し,看護の繁忙度を測定することは,必要なマンパワーを確保し,安全で適正な人員配置をするために有用である.
Theme The Quality of Nursing for Dialysis Treatment and the Amount of Nursing Available
Title Consideration of the meaning of the phrase "amount of nursing necessary" in relation to dialysis treatment -- Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Hisamitsu Sato Department of Nursing, Masuko Institute for Medical Research
[ Summary ] Bucause the insurance figures for quantity the dialysis treatment are being lowered, there is a tendency for the aim to be toward the numbers of people treated, with efficiency becoming the primary goal rather than safety. This may produce a gap in "the quality of dialysis treatment", or "the quality of nursing" in various facilities. When care is given acording to these criteria, the dialysis patient is made to be nothing more than a score, in relation to the expression. We must consider how this is interpreted and its meaning in relation to the degree of nursing.
These considerations are useful in determining the necessary number of staff members who must be hired and that treatment may be safe in relation to having the proper number of people on staff.
We must found our conclusions on scientific date on nursing needs, based on the patient's degree of illness and the quality of care we can provide as soon as possible.