臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.3(2-1)

特集名 透析医療における看護の質と量 -- 看護度設定とその効果
題名 日本の透析事情と看護の方向性 -- 透析看護の質の保障と人員配置数
発刊年月 2003年 03月
著者 中原 宣子 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科薬効安全性学/トキワタツミクリニック・看護師
【 要旨 】 全国の透析施設のうち,300施設を対象に行った看護の実態調査結果から,看護体制と看護師1人当りの患者数との関係を検討した.その結果,国公立病院は私立病院や診療所に比べて看護師1人当りの患者数は少なかった.看護体制との関係では,私立病院と診療所は看護体制が整っている施設のほうが看護師1人当りの患者数が少なかったが,施設間でのばらつきがみられた.透析医療実践上,重要な位置にある看護師の充実は必要であるが,今後は業務内容の明確化や機能別診療を行い,合理的な看護師の配分がなされるであろう.
Theme The Quality of Nursing for Dialysis Treatment and the Amount of Nursing Available
Title Present status of nursing care for dialysis patients in Japan -- Adequate number of nurses and quality of nursing care for dialysis patients
Author Noriko Nakahara Department of Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University / Tokiwa Tatsumi Clinic
[ Summary ] In order to determine the appropriate number of dialysis nurses required for safe and adequate nursing care for dialysis patients, we analyzed the results obtained from a questionnaire regarding nursing care for maintenance dialysis patients, mailed to 300 randomly selected institutes and dialysis centers.
The number of dialysis patients per dialysis nurse in national and public facilities was lower than that in private facilities. Although there were relatively large variations in the ratio of dialysis patients to dialysis nurses in the private facilities, the ratio seemed lower in facilities which have well organized nursing care and education systems. There is increasing importance being put on nurses' roles in medical care management for maintenance dialysis patients, and an adequate number of quality nurses should be obtained to assure high quality nursing care under socioeconomical pressure. A rational distribution of dialysis nurses in necessary according to the functions of each facility.