臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.2(8)

特集名 透析患者における高血圧と低血圧
題名 低温透析の実際
発刊年月 2003年 02月
著者 伊丹 儀友 日鋼記念病院腎センター
著者 大平 整爾 札幌北クリニック
【 要旨 】 低温透析が透析低血圧症に有効な治療法であると報告されて約20年経つ.その機序として,低温透析が交感神経を介して末梢血管を収縮させることの関与が知られていた.近年,深部体温モニターの開発により,37℃前後の透析液温度の透析では透析中に温度が上昇し,それによる血管拡張作用が認められ,透析低血圧に関与することがわかってきた.低温透析は,その体温上昇-血管拡張作用を,熱量を放散し防ぐと考えられるようになってきた.ドライウエイトの調節や透析間体重増加の抑制など基本的なことを行い,それでも透析低血圧の治療が難しい場合,悪寒や身震いなどの副作用はあるが,低温透析は試みられてよい方法と考えられる.
Theme Hypertension and Hypotension in Patients with Maintenance Dialysis -- Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approach
Title The practice of the hypothermal dialysis
Author Noritomo Itami Department of Surgery, Kidney Center, Nikko Memorial Hospital
Author Seiji Ohira Sapporo Kita Clinic
[ Summary ] It has been more than 20 years since the effectiveness of hypothermal dialysis for treatment of intradialytic hypotension was first reported. It is known that peripheral vasocon striction by the autonomous nervous system plays a part in hypothermal dialysis. Recently, with the development of body core temperature monitors, it has been shown that with dialysis solutions at a temperature of around 37 degrees centigrade, intradialytic body temperatures increase and because of this, blood vessels dilate, thus playing a role in intradialytic hypotension. It is believed that hypothermal dialysis provides a means for avoiding an increase in body temperature and dilation of blood vessels due to heat dissipation. In cases where the treatment of intradialytic hypotension is difficult, even with dry weight adjustments and control of weight gain between dialysis, hypothermal dialysis is a good method to try even though it may be accompanied by chills and trembling.