臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.13(2-5)

特集名 透析患者の新しい栄養アセスメント
題名 栄養アセスメントの方法 (5) 運動能力
発刊年月 2003年 12月
著者 井上 啓子 新生会第一病院臨床栄養科・管理栄養士, 椙山女学園大学生活科学部
著者 加藤 昌彦 椙山女学園大学生活科学部
【 要旨 】 血液透析患者は,慢性の運動不足状態に陥りやすく,身体構成成分では上腕筋囲 (AMC),上腕筋面積 (AMA),下腿周囲長 (CC) は日本人の新身体計測基準値 (JARD2001) と比較し,有意に低下している.また,日常生活動作 (ADL) 低下群の%CCの低下も有意であり,下肢の筋力低下は歩行障害を引き起こし,ADLを低下させる要因の一つになっていることが示唆される.全身の筋力の指標としての握力は,AMAと有意な相関があり,栄養アセスメントの評価に加えていくことが望ましい.AMA低下群(%AMA80%未満群) では,QOL測定尺度のSF-36の仕事や活動に対する身体的・心理的因子の影響である「日常役割機能の身体と精神」が有意に低下し,同じくKDQOLでは,「日常生活への影響」「腎疾患による負担」が有意に低下していた.筋肉量の低下は家事や仕事・精神的ストレスや不安などに影響を与え,QOLやADLを低下させるため,栄養士は栄養のみならず,生活のなかでの運動,手軽にできる運動を,生活習慣として定着させる指導をしていくことが重要である.
Theme New Nutritional Assesment for Dialysis Patients
Title Method for nutritional assessment-based on exercise ability
Author Keiko Inoue Department of Clinical Nutrition, Shinseikai Daiichi Hospital, School of Life Studies, Sugiyama Jogakuen University
Author Masahiko Kato School of Life Studies, Sugiyama Jogakuen University
[ Summary ] Patients receiving dialytic treatment may easily fall into a state of chronic lack of exercise. In comparison with the JARD 2001 (Japanese Anthropometric Reference Data 2001), arm muscle circumference(AMC), arm muscle area (AMA), and calf circumference (CC) are significantly lower than in the average Japanese. In addition, the decrease in of %CC in a lower ADL group was also significant, and the loss of muscular strength in the lower limbs was an impediment to walking, suggesting it is one of the factors decreasing ADL. Grasping power, which is an index of whole-body muscular strength, has a significant correlation with AMA, and it should thus be added to any nutritional assessment. In the lower AMA group (% AMA under 80%), the "Physical and Mental Daily Role Functions", which are psychological and physical factors impacting work and activity of SF-36, significantly declined. In KDQOL, the "influence on daily life" and "burden of kidney disease" also significantly diminished. Since the loss of muscle affects the performance of housework, mental and physical stress, and anxiety, resulting in lower QOL and ADL, it is important for the dietitian to focus not only on nutritional guidance, but to encourage the patient to make exercise a part of his/her life, which the kind of easy exercise that will become a life-long habit.