臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.11(3-2)

特集名 透析認定看護師制度の必要性
題名 透析認定看護師教育の目指すもの (2) 現場としての取組み
発刊年月 2003年 10月
著者 佐藤 久光 増子記念病院透析室・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析患者の重症化,高齢化,長期化に伴い求められる透析看護師像も変化してきている.また,厳しい医療経済情勢は透析看護師に「生産性の高さ」を要求してきている.
Theme Necessity of Expert Nurses in Dialysis Therapy
Title Goals of education for certified nursing -- task-oriented education for nurses
Author Hisamitsu Sato Masuko Institute for Medical Research
[ Summary ] Serious illnesses, related to elderly dialysis patients have been increasing, and ages, and it is turning in for a long period of time. The public image of dialysis nurses has also been changing. The current severe medical economic situation has required that "the height of the productivity" be demanded of dialysis nurses.
In such a situation, we must expect dialysis nurses to have a high degree of special knowledge of the technology necessary to cope with a wide variety of situations.
Education of individual nurses in all hospitals and clinics is indispensable in the creation of highly trained workers.
This education will also lead to the development of an "the authorized nursing system" nation wide.
National medical standards require the development of a uniform dialysis nurse training program.
Some of the educational programs necessary to achieve this goal are discussed. It is hoped these ideas will be an aid in achieving these educational needs.