臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.11(2-4)

特集名 透析認定看護師制度の必要性
題名 透析認定看護師に何を期待するのか (4) MSWの立場から
発刊年月 2003年 10月
著者 藤田 譲 仁真会白鷺病院・MSW
【 要旨 】 腎不全看護を対象にした認定看護師制度は,専門性を担保するうえで不可欠なものといえる.しかし,専門性の過剰な追求は偏狭なスペシャリストを生むことにつながり,かえって看護の本質を歪めてしまう危険もある.疾患ではなく患者を対象にした看護を目標とするならば,看護における共通基盤をもつ熟練したジェネラリストの養成とその共通基盤のうえに分野ごとの専門性を構築すること,この二つが専門職としての課題となるのではないだろうか.認定看護師には必ずこの課題をクリアしたうえで,患者・家族にとってのもっとも身近な相談相手,患者のニーズの探索や発見,ニーズ充足のための振り分け,経過のモニタリング,多方面にわたるサービスの統合と調整といった役割を期待したい.それにより,腎不全患者へのさらなる貢献が実現するものと確信する.
Theme Necessity of Expert Nurses in Dialysis Therapy
Title Comments on the certification program for nephrology nursing
Author Jo Fujita Shirasagi Hospital/Medical Social Worker
[ Summary ] In providing high quality care for renal disease patients, the certification program is essential to assure the quality of the profession. However, this program may contain risks in that the essence and spirit nursing is distorted if a narrowly-focused specialist nurse is provided through the certification program. Care must be oriented toward patients, not diseases. Two important tasks are training generalists in common based nursing and also developing specialists in different fields. In relation to certified expert nurses for renal disease care, the author predicts a very important role will be played in relation to patients and their families as care givers for their daily problems, meeting or investigating patient's needs, making referral to other staff members or agencies, monitoring, as well as integration and management of multiple or complex services. If this comes about, the author believes certified expert nurses may contribute much more to renal disease patients.