臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.11(2-1)

特集名 透析認定看護師制度の必要性
題名 透析認定看護師に何を期待するのか (1) 看護師の立場から
発刊年月 2003年 10月
著者 水附 裕子 横須賀北部共済病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 末期腎不全医療における代替療法として,透析療法は主流を占めているが,導入患者の高齢化や糖尿病性腎症の増加などの状況下で,透析医療費の削減という政策も打ち出されている.血液浄化法,腹膜透析,腎移植の均等化,在宅透析療法への移行,コメディカルの育成とネットワーク作りなどが今後の方向性として考えられ,熟練した看護師の存在が必要とされる. 認定看護師制度は,日本看護協会が,特定領域における熟練した看護技術や知識による水準の高い看護実践を保証する資格制度であるが,透析療法の実践の場では,看護師・患者ともにニーズが高いことがわかった.専門知識の提供,特殊技術の提供,自己管理支援,安全管理,家族支援,カウンセリング機能,合併症の予防とケアなど患者から期待される役割とともに,専門性の高い領域としての社会的な認知や医療の経済的効果,充実した看護の継続,患者の安全・安楽の向上として,看護師はなんらかの専門的な位置づけを望んでいる.
Theme Necessity of Expert Nurses in Dialysis Therapy
Title Expectations for certified expert nurses -- from nurses' standpoint
Author Yuko Mizutsuki Department of Nursing, North Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
[ Summary ] Dialysis therapy is a major element in replacement therapy for ESRD patients. Due to an expanding population of elderly patients and patients with diabetic renal disease, the Government framed a policy to curtail medical expanses related to dialysis therapy. Some of the goal of this policy are to:
- Equalize the percentage of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation
- Transfer patients to home dialysis treatment
- Educate medical staff members
- Form a network for ESRD
In relation to these aims, we agreed on the necessity for expert nurses in this field.
The Japanese Nursing Association has formed the "certification system for Certified Expert Nurses" to guarantee high quality levels of nursing skills and to increase knowledge in this specialized field. On our investigations, both nurses and patients, in clinical settings, were seen to need this system as soon as possible.
Patients expect us to provide specialized knowledge and professional skills, to support self-management, to manage safety, to support the family, to provide counseling, and to prevent complications, etc.
We need to respond to these increasing demands to provide safer and higher quality medical and nursing practices. Nurses may expect greater social recognition as advanced nursing practices develop in specialized fields, while achieving positive economic impacts on the medical field.