臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.10(2)

特集名 透析量をどう考えるか
題名 kinetic modelingの基本的な考え方と限界
発刊年月 2003年 09月
著者 峰島 三千男 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター血液浄化療法科
【 要旨 】 血液透析をはじめとする血液浄化療法では,1回の治療でどの溶質がどれだけ除去されたかが不明である.いわゆるblack boxな治療とみなせる.個々の患者に対して適正な透析条件を設定するためには,kinetic modelingの利用が不可欠である.すなわち,kinetic modelingの手法を使うことによって,治療条件 (血流量,透析液流量,有効膜面積,治療時間など) とそれによって生じる臨床効果との因果関係の推定が可能となる.しかし,kinetic modelingにもその仮定に起因する問題点があり,基本特性を理解したうえで,適正に使用しなければならない.本稿では,kinetic modelingを実際の臨床に応用したときの問題点や限界について言及する.
Theme Imagination and Evaluation of the Dialysis Dose
Title Basis and limits of kinetic modeling for clinical applications
Author Michio Mineshima Department of Blood Purification, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] In blood purification therapies such as hemodialysis treatments, the quantity of solute removal cannot be measured in real-time. It is thought of as a "black-box" type therapy. In order to achieve adequate treatment for each patient, we should utilize a kinetic modeling strategy. Therefore, the relationship between operating conditions, such as blood flow rates, dialysate flow rates, effective membrane surface area, treatment time, etc., and solute removal efficiency can be estimated through kinetic modeling. There are, however, some problems with kinetic modeling based on common assumptions. We should take care to appropriately utilize models for clinical applications as mentioned in this paper.