臨牀透析 Vol.19 No.1(10)

特集名 カルシウム・リン調整薬の使い分け
題名 上皮小体(副甲状腺)全摘出後自家移植術後のフォローアップ -- 再発予防のために
発刊年月 2003年 01月
著者 冨永 芳博 名古屋第二赤十字病院腎臓病総合医療センター外科
【 要旨 】 腎不全に伴う高度な腎性上皮小体機能亢進症は,骨病変ばかりか生命予後に影響を与える深刻な合併症である.内科的治療に抵抗する高度な上皮小体機能亢進症は,上皮小体摘出術の適応となる.手術が必要となる症例は遺伝的要因,コンプライアンスの低下なども相まって,術後も再発のリスクが高い.また腎不全下ではすべての上皮小体は過形成にあると考えてよく,残存させれば再腫大するリスクが高い.よって,上皮小体摘出術を受けた患者では再発のリスクが高いと認識し,術後も十分な内科的治療を施行すべきである.また,手術に際して過剰上皮小体を含めすべての腺を確認切除し,再発予防のためには可及的にびまん性過形成組織を残存(自家移植)すべきである.上皮小体全摘出後前腕筋肉内自家移植術は再発を前提とした術式で,再発時,低侵襲に腫大した移植上皮小体組織を切除することが可能で本疾患の術式として適している.
Theme Selection of New Drug for Calcium and Phosphate Disorder
Title Follow-up for patients after total parathyroidectomy with forearm autograft
Author Yoshihiro Tominaga Department of Surgery, Renal Center, Nagoya 2nd Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Secondary hyperparathyroidism (2°HPT), induced by chronic renal failure is one of the most serious problems for uremic patients. It is clear that 2°HPT induces not only osteitis fibrosa but is also associated with high mortality rates, due to cardiovascular complications. Patients with advanced 2°HPT, refractory to medical treatment, require parathyroidectomy (PTx). These patients have a high risk of progression of HPT after PTx because they may possibly have some genetic factors which induce progression of HPT, and there is often poor drug compliance. All parathyroid glands in patients with 2°HPT are fundamentally hyperplastic, then even if small glands remain at PTx, the risk of progression of HPT persists. We should recognize that they have a high risk of recurrent HPT and provide adequate medical treatment to avoid recurrence and the necessity for further operations. To prevent persistent/recurrent HPT, all glands, including supernumerary glands, should be removed during the initial operation. Total PTx with forearm autografting is a suitable operative procedure for advanced 2°HPT, because it is an easy and less invasive way to move enlarged autografts into the forearm under local anesthesia when there is recurrent HPT.