臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.9(8)

特集名 透析患者へのリハビリテーション
題名 家庭透析への取り組みの歴史
発刊年月 2002年 08月
著者 佐々木 しのぶ 新生会第一病院家庭透析センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 家庭透析の歴史は1968年に名古屋大学分院から第1例を開始したことから始まる.当時は透析ベッドにも限りがあり,順番を待つうちに死亡する患者に危機感を抱いた医師らは,透析装置を自費購入すれば教育は責任をもつ,と患者,家族に勧めた.前田憲志,太田和宏医師はクリーブランドクリニックでの家庭透析を研修し,生き生きした患者の姿に感銘をうけ,あるべき透析医療の姿と確信した.前田医師らは行政,大学病院,福祉など多方面に働きかけ家庭透析システムを確立した.その背後には十分な透析と社会人としての生活を提供したいという,多くの医師,スタッフの熱意と患者と患者を支える家族の愛情があった.
Theme Rehabilitation in Hemodialysis Patients
Title History of home hemodialysis
Author Shinobu Sasaki Department of Nursing, Home Hemodialysis Center, Shinseikai Daiichi Hospital
[ Summary ] The history of home hemodialysis began with the first patient to receive this treatment at the Nagoya University Branch Hospital in 1968. Since there were only a limited number of dialysis beds at that time, some doctors felt there was somewhat of a crisis concerning patients who might possibly die while waiting for an open dialysis bed. The doctors thus encouraged patients and family to purchase their own dialysis systems and made them firm promises to teach them how to use them.
Dr. Kenji Maeda and Dr. Kazuhiro Ota studied home hemodialysis at the Cleveland Clinic in the US. They were impressed with the liveliness of the patients there and were sure that this was the ideal way to provide dialysis treatment. Dr. Maeda and his team of doctors approached the government, university hospitals, welfare and other sources in order to establish a system for home hemodialysis. Providing solid support so that patients might be assured of the best possible dialysis and quality of life as working members of society is the goal of dedicated doctors and other medical professionals, working together. Of course, a great effort by patients and their loving families is also required.