臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.9(5)

特集名 透析患者へのリハビリテーション
題名 心のリハビリテーション
発刊年月 2002年 08月
著者 大林 弘子 キナシ大林病院・MSW
【 要旨 】 慢性疾患を抱えている人は,社会的,経済的,また家族をはじめ人間関係にも自己評価を下げ,ちょっとした言葉に傷ついている.ここで述べる心のリハビリテーションとは,患者の心の中に起きている状況を,医療者が鏡となってその様子を映して見せながら,患者自身が問題の探求や検討ができるように援助する.人の性格には,その人の過去の全体経験が現在の身体に刻み込まれている.人の心は誕生より養育者や周囲からの言葉,そして時代や社会的背景を通じて,身近な人への同一化などから作られる.一人ひとり個別であり,その人の世界に入って理解したうえでの心のリハビリテーションが大切である.
Theme Rehabilitation in Hemodialysis Patients
Title Psychological rehabilitation in hemodialysis patients
Author Hiroko Obayashi Kinashi Obayashi Hospital/medical social worker
[ Summary ] Patients undergoing dialysis or suffering from chronic diseases have a tendency to diminish the value of themselves in terms of social, economic and family situations, and are likely to take offence, even from an unintended insult. In order to rehabilitate the mental condition of these patients, it is important to understand what is happening within their minds. Their state of mind should be closely monitored by the medical staff during treatment. Through this mirror-like reflection of the patient's mind, it is possible to lead them and let the patients themselves explore their problems and their possible solutions.
The personalities of people are formed from the culmination of their past experiences starting at birth. These experiences include how they were cared for as infants, including oral communication. Furthermore, through social experience and the background of the period they live in, they may form a personality similar to their nearest kin. Everyone has their own background and their personality. Therefore, it is important when to trying to rehabilitate your mind to know and relate to your background and individual personality.