臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.9(3)

特集名 透析患者へのリハビリテーション
題名 運動療法 -- 透析体操の効果と実際
発刊年月 2002年 08月
著者 赤池 あらた (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院・理学療法士(現 茅ヶ崎リハビリテーション専門学校)
著者 やなぎ 郁子 (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院・理学療法士
著者 西岡 恵 (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院・理学療法士
著者 佐藤 久美子 (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院・作業療法士
著者 三上 静江 (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院・作業療法士
著者 木村 イク子 (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院・看護師
著者 百瀬 昭志 (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院泌尿器科
著者 舟生 富寿 (財)鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院では,透析患者における体力の維持向上を目的に,運動療法として「透析体操」を行っている.今回われわれは透析体操の効果を,筋量との相関が高いクレアチニン値に着目し,検討した.その結果,透析体操を行うことで透析患者の筋量が維持されることが示唆された.
Theme Rehabilitation in Hemodialysis Patients
Title Therapeutic exercise for hemodialysis patients -- effects of exercise on hemodialysis patients
Author Arata Akaike Registered Physical Therapist, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital / Chigasaki Rehabilitation College
Author Ikuko Yanagi Registered Physical Therapist, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital
Author Megumi Nishioka Registered Physical Therapist, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital
Author Kumiko Satoh Registered Occupational Therapist, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital
Author Shizue Mikami Registered Occupational Therapist, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital
Author Ikuko Kimura Department of Nursing, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital
Author Akishi Momose Department of Medicine, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital
Author Tomihisa Funyu Department of Medicine, Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute, Hirosaki Hospital
[ Summary ] In our hospital, patients have received a physical exercise, termed "exercise for hemodialysis". This is an enjoyable and safe therapeutic exercise, which is very effective for many chronic hemodialysis patients. We studied this valuable exercise in relation to serum creatinine (Scr), relating to total body muscle volume. 30 hospitalized patients were studied in relation to creatinine values over a month long period. We divided them into three groups. Group 1 received no exercise. Group 2 practiced exercise for hemodialysis. Group 3 practiced aerobic exercise. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) of exercise for hemodialysis was from 9 to 11, and that of aerobic exercise in group 3 was from 11 to 13. In group 1, Scr was reduced from 7.1+-1.8mg/dl to 6.4+-1.9mg/dl indicating a significant difference. In group 2, Scr increased from 7.8+-1.8mg/dl to 8.3+-2.0mg/dl with no significant difference. In group 3, Scr increased from 7.1+-1.4mg/dl to 8.5+-2.1mg/dl and a significant difference was indicated. This result suggests that exercise for hemodialysis patients is an effective therapeutic exercise in maintaining muscle volume without undesirable increase in Scr values. When we use this exercise as a therapeutic and clinically effective method of treatment, proper movements and weight loading should be carried out. Additionally, in cases where movement capability of patient is low, any exercise performed should be aerobic. For these reasons, exercise for hemodialysis patients should be continued, based on the principle of it being "not too weak, not too strong".