臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.8(2-4-10)

特集名 薬物・毒物中毒と血液浄化法(症例集)
題名 [中毒症例]IV. その他 (10) スズメバチ刺症
発刊年月 2002年 07月
著者 潮下 敬 栄和会泉川病院内科
著者 泉川 欣一 栄和会泉川病院内科
著者 原 耕平 栄和会泉川病院内科
著者 宮崎 正信 長崎大学医学部附属病院第二内科
著者 河野 茂 長崎大学医学部附属病院第二内科
【 要旨 】 わが国においてハチ刺症により年間約40人の死亡が認められ,その死因の多くはアナフィラキシーショックであるが,横紋筋融解症から急性腎不全をきたすことが知られている.発症機序としてはハチ毒による尿細管壊死,横紋筋融解,血管内溶血などが考えられる.急性腎不全に対する治療は一般的な大量輸液,強制利尿にて改善がみられなければ血液浄化法が必要となる.
Theme Intoxication of Drugs and Poisons and Blood Purification Therapy (Case Report)
Title Acute renal failure following wasp stings
Author Kei Shioshita Izumikawa Hospital
Author Kinichi Izumikawa Izumikawa Hospital
Author Kohei Hara Izumikawa Hospital
Author Masanobu Miyazaki Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Author Shigeru Kohno Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] About 40 persons who suffer from wasp stings die every year in Japan. Although anaphylactic shock is well recognized as the cause of death, complications resulting in acute renal failure, due to rhabdomyolysis, occur less commonly. The pathome chanisms involved may include acute tubular necrosis occurred by toxic effects of insect venom, rhabdomyolysis and intravascular haemolysis. The therapies for acute renal failure are mass-transfusion and diuresis, if the above therapies are not effective, blood purification is needed. We report on a patient who suffered from multiple wasp stings and subsequently developed multiple organ failure, due to rhabdomyolysis and survived due to hemodialysis therapy. Cases of renal failure, due to insect stings, reported in Japan are reviewed and blood purification for multiple wasp stings is described.