臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.8(2-3-7)

特集名 薬物・毒物中毒と血液浄化法(症例集)
題名 [中毒症例]III. 医薬品 (7) 抗生物質(バンコマイシン)
発刊年月 2002年 07月
著者 南方 保 北野病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 塩酸バンコマイシン(VCM)はAmycolatopsis orientalisから分離されたグリコペプチド系抗生物質で,注射用と内服用製剤がある.注射用製剤は点滴静注後,72時間までに90%以上が未変化体として尿中に排泄される.腎機能障害患者では半減期の延長,蓄積が生じる.このため,薬物過量投与を避けるため,血中濃度のモニタリング(以下,TDMと略す)を行い中毒を予防する必要がある.急速静注,または短時間の点滴静注を行うと,ヒスタミンが遊離されred man症候群(顔,粽,身幹の紅斑性充血,掻痒),血圧低下,心停止などの副作用が発現することがあり,60分以上かけて点滴静注を行うことが大切である.内服用製剤は消化管からほとんど吸収されないが,腎障害と重度の偽膜性大腸炎を合併した患者では,VCMが吸収され,蓄積する危険性がある.除去方法には,(1) ハイパフォーマンス膜を用いた透析,血液濾過,血液濾過透析,(2) 活性炭血液吸着,(3) 腹膜透析,(4) 頻回活性炭内服などがあり,患者の状態,年齢などに応じて選択する必要がある.
Theme Intoxication of Drugs and Poisons and Blood Purification Therapy (Case Report)
Title Treatment of vancomycin overdose
Author Tamotsu Minakata Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Department of Medicine, Kitano Hospital
[ Summary ] Vancomycin hydrochloride (VCM) is a glycopep tide antibiotic isolated from Amycolatopsis orientalis, which is a drug administered orally or intravenously. As VCM is excreted from kidney without undergoing any metabolic changes, it is necessary to determine the loading dose of VCM and to monitor its blood concentration in patients with renal dysfunction. VCM induces a common adverse reaction known as red man syndrome, charactererized by erythematous rash or flushing on the face, neck, or torso, pruritus and, in severe cases, hypotension or cardiac arrest attributed to histamine release. Their adversed side effects generally occur with rapid administration of VCM. The recommended infusion of VCM at no faster than 1g over 1hr may prevent them. Studies of orally administered VCM have shown that it is not appreciably absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in normal adults, but patients with renal impairement and pseudomembranous colitis may absorb and accumulate significant amounts of drug. There are some modalities to treat VCM overdose, including hemodialysis, hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration with high-flux membranes, hemoperfusion, peritoneal dialysis and multiple-dose activated charcoal. The choice of optimal modality for clearing a toxin should take into the availability of equipment, age, underlying disease, and inherent risks of them.