臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.6(8)

特集名 透析患者の肝・胆・脾・膵の病変
題名 透析患者の膵臓と膵炎
発刊年月 2002年 06月
著者 乳原 善文 虎の門病院腎センター内科
著者 沢 直樹 虎の門病院腎センター内科
著者 原 茂子 虎の門病院腎センター内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者に発症した膵炎2症例を提示しながら,透析特有の膵炎発症機序につき検討した.症例1は僧帽弁狭窄症を合併した透析患者が血液透析(HD)から腹膜透析(CAPD)へ移行後,溶血性貧血と関係した急性膵炎を5回引き起こした.僧帽弁狭窄症に対して経皮的僧帽弁形成術(PTMC)施行後急性膵炎の発症がみられなくなったことから,CAPDのもつなんらかの因子に,僧帽弁狭窄症に伴う機械的機序が加わり赤血球破砕症候群を介して溶血性貧血,ひいては膵炎発症につながったと考えられた.症例2は血液透析施行中に透析回路のチューブの機械的狭窄を介して,溶血が起こり急性膵炎が発症したと考えられた.2症例ともに透析に関係した赤血球脆弱化因子に,僧帽弁狭窄症や透析回路狭窄による溶血機序が加わり,膵炎発症になったと推察された.
Theme Disease of Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, and Pancreas in Dialysis Patients
Title Pancreatic abnormalities and pancreatitis in dialysis patients
Author Yoshibumi Ubara Kidney Center, Toranomon Hospital
Author Naoki Sawa Kidney Center, Toranomon Hospital
Author Shigeko Hara Kidney Center, Toranomon Hospital
[ Summary ] This report describes 2 patients who developed acute pancreatitis, and whether any factors related dialysis may cause this disease. Case 1 is a patient on CAPD who developed acute pancreatitis five times over a two years period, after being transfered from HD to CAPD. Acute pancreatitis has not occurred since PTMC (percutaneous transmitral valve commurectomy) was carried out for mitral stenosis after a fifth episode of pancreatitis. This clinical course suggests that direct mechanical stimulation, through a constricted mitral valve caused fragmentation and destruction of red blood cells, and that this fragmentation syndrome led to acute pancreatitis. Case 2 is a patient on HD who developed acute pancreatitis during HD.
Intradialytic hemolysis may occur from mechanical trauma to the erythrocytes during passage through the extracorporeal circuit, resulting in acute pancreatitis. In addition to mitral stenosis and an obstructed segment of dialysis tubing, there may be unknown causative factors associated with dialysis.