臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.6(11)

特集名 透析患者の肝・胆・脾・膵の病変
題名 透析患者の肝・胆・膵関連の検査値の読み方
発刊年月 2002年 06月
著者 小山 貴之 信州大学医学部第二内科
著者 洞 和彦 信州大学医学部附属病院人工腎臓部
【 要旨 】 透析患者における検査値判定の際には,健常人の基準をそのまま用いることが可能な項目と,そうでない項目があることに留意しなければならない.肝・胆・膵関連の検査値についていえば,ALP,LDH,gamma-GTP,AFPなどは健常人の判定基準で解釈が可能であるが,透析患者ではALPが腎性骨異栄養症を反映して上昇することもあり,またAFPはエリスロポエチンにより若干上昇傾向を示す.一方,透析患者のトランスアミナーゼ値は健常人に比べ低いことが知られており,保存期腎不全の患者でも早期から血清クレアチニンの上昇に伴い低下する傾向にある.したがって透析患者ではトランスアミナーゼ値が正常範囲でも肝疾患の存在を否定できない.逆に膵酵素は高値を示すためアミラーゼ(Amy)は正常上限の3倍以上,P-Amy>80%で膵炎を疑う.項目によってはカットオフ値が明確でないものもあり,解釈に迷う際はほかの検査項目や画像も含め多角的に判断する必要があると思われる.
Theme Disease of Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, and Pancreas in Dialysis Patients
Title Check points of laboratory findings about hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases for chronic dialysis patients
Author Takayuki Koyama Second Department of Internal Medicine, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Author Kazuhiko Hora Division of Artificial Kidney, Shinshu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] When we evaluate the laboratory findings for patients undergoing chronic dialysis, we must take care that the cut off points are different from those of non-dialysis patients in several examinations. Concerning the laboratory findings for the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas, it is possible to use the same cut off points in ALP, LDH, gammma-GTP, and AFP even in chronic dialysis patients. But in chronic dialysis patients, we must consider that the level of ALP also reflects renal osteodystrophy, or AFP is mildly elevated by using erythropoietin. It is well known that serum transaminase values are quite low in patients undergoing chronic dialysis; even in non-dialyzed patients of chronic renal failure. Lower serum transaminase values are followed by higher serum creatinine values. Therefore, normal transaminase values in chronic dialysis patients are not always equal no liver disease. Inversely, serum amylase values are high in patients undergoing dialysis, and acute pancreatitis should be suspected when serum amylase values are over three times higher than normal cut off points or P-Amy>80%. Because examinations have no obvious cut off points for chronic dialysis patients, we must evaluate the data from the various view points including other laboratory findings or images.