臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.5(1-4)

特集名 透析と嚢胞性腎疾患
題名 常染色体優性多発性嚢胞腎 (4) 血管障害と頭蓋内動脈瘤・出血
発刊年月 2002年 05月
著者 藤塚 光幸 杏林大学医学部脳神経外科
著者 塩川 芳昭 杏林大学医学部脳神経外科
著者 斎藤 勇 杏林大学医学部脳神経外科
【 要旨 】 常染色体優性多発性嚢胞腎は,脳動脈瘤,大動脈解離や動脈瘤,種々の心臓弁膜疾患(僧房弁,三尖弁,大動脈弁の逆流や,僧房弁,三尖弁の逸脱)など多様な心臓および全身の血管疾患と関連が深い.とくに脳動脈瘤の破裂によるくも膜下出血や,頭蓋内出血はしばしば重篤な後遺症を生じたり,生命を脅かす.未破裂脳動脈瘤が発見された場合は,腎機能障害の生じる前に,破裂予防のための手術治療を行うことが望ましいであろう.また多発性嚢胞腎患者においては高血圧の合併が若年より生じやすく,出血性脳疾患の予防には,高血圧の早期発見および厳重な血圧管理がきわめて重要である.
Theme Dialysis and Cystic Renal Disease
Title Polycystic kidney vascular disease, brain aneurysms and intracranial bleeding
Author Mitsuyuki Fujitsuka Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University, School of Medicine
Author Yoshiaki Shiokawa Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University, School of Medicine
Author Isamu Saito Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University, School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is associated with a variety of cardiovascular abnormalities, including intracranial aneurysms, various other aneurysms and dissection of the aorta, and a number of valvular abnormalities such as mitral, tricuspid conditions, aortic regurgitation, and mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse. In particular, subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by rupture of intracranial aneurysm and intracranial hemorrhage mainly due to hypertension, often lead to serious sequelae and death. Considering the natural history of ADPKD, it is more desirable that prophylactic surgical treatment of non-ruptured cerebral aneurysms before patients suffer overt renal dysfunction. As hypertension is an early and frequent manifestation of ADPKD, detection and control of hypertension is vitally important in patients with ADPKD for prophylaxis against hemorrhagic cerebrovascular events.