臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.5(1-2)

特集名 透析と嚢胞性腎疾患
題名 常染色体優性多発性嚢胞腎 (2) 臨床症状・診断・合併症
発刊年月 2002年 05月
著者 香村 衡一 国立佐倉病院泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 常染色体優性多発性嚢胞腎(ADPKD)の特徴は,発現の多様性と腫瘍類似の増殖性である.基本的な病変は壁脆弱化病変と嚢胞性病変とに分かれる.前者は脳動脈瘤などの血管病変,大腸憩室,総胆管拡張などがあり,後者は腎嚢胞,肝嚢胞,膵嚢胞,精嚢嚢胞,くも膜嚢胞などがある.これらにより臨床的に問題となる病態は,脳動脈瘤の破裂,腎不全,高血圧,血尿,嚢胞出血,嚢胞感染,尿路結石などである.治療の基本は血圧の管理と腎機能の管理が主体となる.その他の病変も含め,治療は個々人における発現の多様性と家族集積性に注意して行う.具体的には,脳動脈瘤については家族歴のあるものへのMRAスクリーニング,腹部圧迫病変については,腎と肝のどちらが主体か,孤立性の巨大嚢胞があるのか,腎機能の良悪などによる治療の選択が必要である.また,嚢胞感染におけるシプロフロキサシンなどの長期投与が勧められている.
Theme Dialysis and Cystic Renal Disease
Title Symptoms, diagnosis and complications of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Author Koichi Kamura Department of Urology, Sakura National Hospital
[ Summary ] The main features of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) are its phenotypic variability and its proliferative neoplasm-like character. The basic pathology can be divided into disorders, characterized by weak walls and by cysts. The former, includes vascular diseases, such as intracranial aneurysms, diverticula of the colon and dilatation of the common bile duct. The latter, include cysts in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, seminal vesicles, and the arachnoid membrane. The complications with these disorders include rupture of intracranial aneurysms, renal failure, hyper tension, gross hematuria, cystic bleeding, cystic infection and urinary calculi. The management of high blood pressure and renal function is considered to be the most important factor in control of this condition. The management of both renal and extra-renal manifestations requires careful consideration of both phenotypic variability and familial clustering, for example, MRA screening for intra cranial aneurysms in patients with a family history of intracranial bleeding. Another example, is that in the selection of treatment for symptomatic abdominal distention, consideration should be given to whether the mass effect is caused by one or few huge cysts or by numerous small cysts. We also need to know whether the patient has good renal functions. Prolonged administration of antibiotics, such as cyprofloxacin, may be necessary to effectively treat cystic infections in patients with ADPKD.