臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.4(8)

特集名 内部濾過促進型血液透析
題名 血液浄化器の機能分類における内部濾過促進型ダイアライザの位置づけ
発刊年月 2002年 04月
著者 金 成泰 レメディ北九州ネフロクリニック
【 要旨 】 内部濾過促進型ダイアライザによる治療は少量液置換型血液透析濾過(HDF)とともにIIIa型血液浄化器に分類され,機能的には血液透析濾過器と位置づけられる.膜性能としては,血流量200ml/min,透析液流量500ml/minで30ml/minの濾過を発生させた場合に,尿素,クレアチニンおよびbeta2-microglobulinのクリアランスがそれぞれ165,140,40ml/min以上を確保できることが要件となる.適用病態はII型血液浄化器による治療によっても改善の得られない透析アミロイド症,透析困難症,そう痒,いらいら感,不眠,末梢神経障害,エリスロポエチン不応性腎性貧血,栄養障害,その他quality of life(QOL)を著しく低下させる病態である.今後,IIIa型浄化器は血液浄化療法の標準となるものと期待される.
Theme Internal Filtration Enhanced Hemodialysis
Title New combined classification by JSDT of blood purification devices, treatment modalities, dialysate purification standards and clinical indications with special attention to internal filtration enhanced dialyzer
Author Kim Sung-Teh Kitakyushu Nephro Clinic, Remmedi Foundation
[ Summary ] In a new criteria for hemodialyzers and filters proposed by JSDT 2000, internal filtration enhanced dialyzers are given the classification "IIIa" as are hemodiafilters for low volume replacement purposes. The minimum performance requirements for the IIIa category are that the clearances to urea, creatinine and beta2-microglobulin under 30ml/min of ultrafiltration are no less than 165, 140 and 40 ml/min, respectively, at blood and dialysate flow rates of 200 and 500ml/min. The clinical indications for IIIa category treatment is targeted for symptoms that cannot be relieved by II category divices including symptoms of dialysis related amyloidosis, hypotension during treatment, pruritus, insomnia, irritable peripheral neuropathy, erythropoietin-unresponsive anemia, malnutrition and other manifestations severely impinging on QOL. The IIIa devices are expected to become the standard for blood purification treatment for years to come.