臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.4(2)

特集名 内部濾過促進型血液透析
題名 in vitro評価による内部濾過促進型ダイアライザの溶質除去特性
発刊年月 2002年 04月
著者 山下 明泰 湘南工科大学工学部マテリアル工学科
【 要旨 】 限外濾過は溶質の除去を促進するため,透析膜には高い拡散性能と同時に高い透水性能が要求される.この目的のためにポリスルホン(PS)は,臨床的に広く利用されるようになっている.本報告では中空糸内径が狭小化されたPS膜ダイアライザの内部濾過特性について,in vitro(水溶液,牛血漿)で評価した.その結果,血流量,透析液流量の増加とともに,内部濾過促進効果に伴うクリアランスの増加が明らかとなった.内部濾過量をさらに増加させるには,モジュールの設計が重要となる.内部濾過促進型血液透析は,特別なハードウェアを必要とせず,高透水性膜と清浄化透析液だけで行うことができる小規模on-line血液透析濾過と考えることができる.
Theme Internal Filtration Enhanced Hemodialysis
Title In vitro evaluation of solute removal characteristics in a dialyzer with enhanced internal filtration
Author Akihiro C. Yamashita Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Shonan Institute of Technology
[ Summary ] Since ultrafiltration provides an alternative pass for removal of solutes from the blood stream, high hydraulic permeability is necessary as well as high diffusive permeability. For this reason, polysulfone (PS) membranes have become one type of clinically popular material for dialysis membranes. The author tested one PS dialyzer with smaller hollow fiber diameter in vitro (aqueous/bovine blood) with special attention being paid to "internal filtration", ultrafiltration and reverse filtration as observed in one dialyzer, for removing solutes. Results showed that the higher the blood and dialysate flow rates, the more the clearance, due to the internal filtration. Module design is crucial for larger fluid exchanges with internal filtration. Hemodialysis with internal filtration, may be considered as a form of limited scale on line hemodiafiltration with no additional hardware, which may be possible with PS or other high flux membranes when highly purified dialysate fluid is prepared.