臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.13(2-4)

特集名 栄養障害に陥った腎不全患者のケア -- 医師・栄養士・看護師の連携
題名 ケース・スタディ IV. 痴呆を伴ったケース
発刊年月 2002年 12月
著者 宍戸 洋 みやぎ清耀会緑の里クリニック内科
著者 鈴木 佑佳 みやぎ清耀会緑の里クリニック内科・管理栄養士
著者 鵜飼 久美子 みやぎ清耀会緑の里クリニック内科・管理栄養士
著者 高橋 可奈 みやぎ清耀会緑の里クリニック内科・MSW
【 要旨 】 痴呆を呈し,介護が必要な透析患者にとって,外来透析を長期間維持するには,栄養管理,家族介護が重要な問題である.嚥下障害,低栄養があり,生活全般に介助が必要な症例に対し,経口摂取を家庭で続けるための食事の工夫に加え,経腸栄養剤の利用,透析時高カロリー輸液の試みによって,栄養状態を改善できた.その背景には,献身的な家族介護と,それを支えるスタッフの存在がある.
Theme Care of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure under Malnutrition -- The Teamplay of Physicians, Nutritionists, and Nurses
Title Nutritional management for a patient with dementia
Author You Shishido Department of Internal Medicine, Midorinosato Clinic
Author Yuka Suzuki Department of Clinical Nutrition, Midorinosato Clinic
Author Kumiko Ukai Department of Clinical Nutrition, Midorinosato Clinic
Author Kana Takahashi MSW, Midorinosato Clinic
[ Summary ] For the long-term treatment of HD out patients with dementia who require special care, both nutritional management and support by family members are essential issues. This is a report on an 82 yearold female patient who needed a great deal of help with daily activities due to dysphagia and/or malnutrition. We improved the nutritional status of the patient by providing specially prepared meals, prescribing enteral feeding solutions, and intradialytic parenteral nutrition. These efforts were supported by devoted family members and medical staff members. The cooperation of doctors, dieticians, nurses, therapists, clinical engineers, social workers, and family members brought about the long-term survival of the patient. However, it is still difficult to avoid malnutrition completely, because of the catabolic effects of infection and dialysis treatment. Therefore, the nutritional management of dialysis patients is of great importance.