臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.13(1-4)

特集名 栄養障害に陥った腎不全患者のケア -- 医師・栄養士・看護師の連携
題名 総論 IV. 移植患者の栄養管理
発刊年月 2002年 12月
著者 石川 暢夫 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター泌尿器科
著者 田邊 一成 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 腎移植患者の栄養管理は,移植腎機能が良好な場合と,免疫学的(拒絶反応)あるいは非免疫学的要因(高血圧,高脂血症,高尿酸血症,肥満など)から腎機能が低下してきた場合とで異なってくる.前者は,一般的な生活習慣病(成人病)予防のための食事指導が中心となり,後者は保存期腎不全の食事療法に類似した栄養管理が必要となる.生活習慣病予防は,当然エネルギー制限や食塩制限が指導の中心となる.移植後1年間の体重増加を5%以内にするよう指導している.一方,腎機能の障害の程度にもよるが,浮腫,高血圧がない場合は,8~10g/dayの食塩摂取は可能である.食生活の多様化に伴い,外食や中食を利用している移植患者は多いが,これらの食事は使用されている食塩,糖分,たんぱく質,総エネルギーなどの判断が困難で,栄養管理の点からは,回数だけでなく量もできるだけ控えるよう指導している.
Theme Care of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure under Malnutrition -- The Teamplay of Physicians, Nutritionists, and Nurses
Title Nutritional management for renal transplant recipients
Author Nobuo Ishikawa Department of Urology, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Kazunari Tanabe Department of Urology, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Nutritional management for renal transplant recipients is varied according to renal allograft functions. It is necessary for the recipients with good renal functioning to make a habit of having an adequate diet to prevent lifestyle related diseases, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus. On the other hand, it is necessary to advise recipients with renal insufficiency about their diet, which is one resembling that for those with chronic renal failure. It is recommended that recipients gain no more than 5% body weight during the first year after renal transplantation. In cases of nonedematous and nonhypertensive states, patients are able to receive adequate quantities of salt (from 8 to 10g per day). Recently, the Japanese diet has changed considerably and renal transplant recipients are also generally eating out more frequently. These changes are convenient for everyone. On the other hand, they have brought about problems with safety and nutritional imbalances from longterm consumption of excessive salt and fat. It is recommended that recipients to find ways of dealing with the situation.