臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.13(1-1)

特集名 栄養障害に陥った腎不全患者のケア -- 医師・栄養士・看護師の連携
題名 総論 I. 腎不全保存期の栄養管理
発刊年月 2002年 12月
著者 大石 明 国立霞ヶ浦病院内科
【 要旨 】 個々のランダム化比較対照試験(RCT)では証明が困難な場合もあるが,複数のRCTによるメタ分析の結果および動物実験の結果は,低たんぱく療法の腎不全進展抑制効果を示唆している.QOLとコストにも影響があるため,低たんぱく療法に対して積極的な患者を中心に指導する.その場合,エネルギー摂取不足を避けるために低たんぱく特殊食品の使用を勧める.コンプライアンスを維持するためには,24時間蓄尿の実施とチーム医療への栄養士の積極的な参加が必要である.
Theme Care of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure under Malnutrition -- The Teamplay of Physicians, Nutritionists, and Nurses
Title Dietary therapy in predialysis renal failure
Author Akira Ohishi Department of Internal Medicine, Kasumigaura National Hospital
[ Summary ] Although it is often difficult for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to demonstrate that a low protein diet (LPD) has a significant effect on the progression of chronic renal failure, both meta-analyses of RCTs and animal experiments indicate that LPD retards the progression of chronic renal failure. However, because LPD may lower the quality of life for patients and produces expenses for patients, we should recommend LPD only to patients who are really interested in it. In order to avoid malnutrition due to low energy intake, patients should be advised to consume special foods that include less protein and more energy. Maintenance of good compliance requires 24-hour urine collection and active involvement of nutritionists in a medical team.