臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.12(2-6)

特集名 透析患者における消化管異常
題名 人工肛門(ストーマ)のケア
発刊年月 2002年 11月
著者 渡邊 千登世 聖路加国際病院・看護師(WOCN)
【 要旨 】 人工肛門(ストーマ)造設は,新たな排泄習慣を獲得しなくてはならないことを意味し,透析患者の場合は,それまでの日常生活上での自己管理に排泄ケアに関する管理も加わることになる.医療者は,透析患者の負担感を最小限に抑え,可能な限り早くストーマケアを獲得し,QOLの低下を認めないよう援助していく必要がある.それゆえ,術前には,ストーマの位置決め(ストーマ・サイトマーキング)やパッチテストを行い,またこれらのケアを通して心理的なサポートや調整を行うことが重要である.術後は,ストーマの観察,ストーマの管理方法の選択,ストーマ周囲の皮膚障害の対策,心理的サポート,退院に向けての指導などがおもなケアといえる.さらに,患者が真にストーマを受容し,セルフケアが自立して行えるためには,長期的かつ継続的なフォローアップを必要とする.とくに,透析患者はストーマ外来でストーマ周囲の皮膚状態とセルフケア状況について継続的に評価していくことが大切であろう.
Theme Gastrointestinal Complications in Dialysis Patients
Title Ostomy care in dialysis patients
Author Chitose Watanabe Department of Nursing, St. Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] Having an enterostomy obliges patients to accustom themselves to a new toilet habit. In the case of patients on dialysis who undergo enterostomy, they will be burdened with toilet control in addition to other self-management in their daily lives which they always have as dialysis patients.
It is required for those engaged in providing medical care to assist such patients in order to prevent their quality of life from deteriorating further by establishing stoma care as early as possible while minimizing their sense of burden. To achieve this, one has to provide them with sufficient care before the operation, in cluding the stoma site marking and patch test, and it is essential, through such care, to give them support and coordination regarding the mental aspect. The main care following the operation includes stoma observation, selection of stoma control methods, taking care of skin damage in the surrounding area of the stoma and mental support as well as guidance in preparation for discharge from hospital. Furthermore, long-term continuous follow-up will be needed for the patient to fully accept his/her stoma and to become capable of in dependently conducting self-care. It is also important to include dialysis patients with stoma in outpatient clinic, and to make continuous evaluation of the skin condition in the surrouding area of the stoma as well as the status of their self-care.