臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.12(2-4)

特集名 透析患者における消化管異常
題名 直腸・肛門(痔疾)
発刊年月 2002年 11月
著者 奥田 哲也 社会保険中央総合病院大腸・肛門センター
著者 岩垂 純一 社会保険中央総合病院大腸・肛門センター
著者 篠田 俊雄 社会保険中央総合病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者では便秘に伴う痔核などの直腸・肛門合併症が多い.保存的治療で改善する痔疾が多いが,手術治療を要する疾患もあり,診断・治療の遅れにより手術が大がかりになる場合もある.また,直腸癌や肛門癌の合併頻度は少ないが,その主要徴候は痔疾と類似しているため,徴候による鑑別診断は困難である.したがって,肛門出血や肛門痛などの徴候を認めた場合には,専門医による早期の診察と検査により,的確な診断と治療を行う必要がある.直腸・肛門疾患の手術は待機的に行う場合が多く,手術日程の調整と適切な抗凝固薬の使用により,非透析患者と同等に安全な手術を行うことができる.
Theme Gastrointestinal Complications in Dialysis Patients
Title Recto -- anal lesions (hemorrhoids etc.) in dialysis patients
Author Tetsuya Okuda Colo-proctology Center and Department of Medicine, Social Insurance Chuo General Hospital
Author Jun-ichi Iwadare Colo-proctology Center and Department of Medicine, Social Insurance Chuo General Hospital
Author Toshio Shinoda Division of Nephrology, Social Insurance Chuo General Hospital
[ Summary ] Anorectal complications, such as hemorrhoids, are common in hemodialysis patients due to constipation. Although many are conservatively treated and improve, an operative treatment is needed in some cases, where an extensive operation becomes necessary in cases of delayed diagnosis and treatment. Although rectal and anal cancers are in frequent complications in hemodialysis patients, it is difficult to differentiate them from hemorrhoids by their clinical features, because their features are similar to those of hemorrhoids. Accordingly, it is necessary for hemodialysis patients to be examined by a proctologist as early as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment, when they have recognized signs such as anal bleeding and/or anal pain. In hemodialysis patients, operations for anorectal lesions are performed as a safety measure for non-dialysis patients by arranging their dialysis schedule, and usage of adequate anticoagulative drugs, because it is usually performed electively.