臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.12(2-3-1)

特集名 透析患者における消化管異常
題名 下部消化管異常 (1) 尿毒症性腸炎
発刊年月 2002年 11月
著者 青山 功 名古屋大学医学部附属病院予防医療部
著者 丹羽 利充 名古屋大学医学部附属病院予防医療部
【 要旨 】 尿毒症性腸炎は,尿毒症の病態が直接下部消化管に影響した結果生じた病変で,大腸粘膜の浮腫,びらんや出血性水胞などの微小血管の破綻所見を特徴とし,時に粘膜潰瘍や壊死に至ることもある.尿毒症性腸炎の発症には腎不全状態での腸内細菌叢の変化(好気性菌の相対的増加)が深く関与しており,そのおもな機序として,(1) 腸内細菌の産生する腐敗産物(アンモニア,フェノール類,インドール類など)の蓄積と,(2) 腸内細菌による腸粘膜の傷害の二つが考えられている.尿毒症性腸炎の治療は尿毒症物質の除去と腸内細菌叢の是正の二つに大別され,前者には十分な透析,経口吸着剤やラクツロースの投与,蛋白制限が,後者には乳酸菌製剤や食物繊維製剤の投与が有効である.
Theme Gastrointestinal Complications in Dialysis Patients
Title Uremic colitis
Author Isao Aoyama Department of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Nagoya University Hospital
Author Toshimitsu Niwa Department of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Nagoya University Hospital
[ Summary ] Uremic colitis is confirmed by the presence of uremia induced intestinal lesions. It is characterized by mucosal edema, erosion, and hemorrhagic injury, occasionally leading to ulceration and necrosis. Alterations in intestinal microflora in uremic states, such as intestinal overgrowth of aerobic bacteria, may be involved in the initiation and progression of uremic colitis. Two possible ways have been proposed as the mechanisms underlying the development of uremic colitis (1) bacterial production of uremic toxins or precursors (ammonia, phenols, indoles, etc.) in the intestinal tract and (2) bacterial invasion into the intestinal mucosa at the uremic state. The treatment of uremic colitis is aimed at removing uremic toxins in the intestinal tract and to improving intestinal microflora. The former includes dialysis therapy, administration of oral adsorbent and/or lactulose, and a low-protein diet. The latter contains administration of a lactobacillus and dietary fiber.