臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.11(9)

特集名 電子カルテと情報開示
題名 情報収集の効率的方法 -- 個人ワークシートを利用した透析前の情報収集の効果
発刊年月 2002年 10月
著者 四井 香苗 名古屋第二赤十字病院血液浄化センター・看護師
著者 藤崎 百合子 名古屋第二赤十字病院血液浄化センター・看護師
著者 冨永 芳博 名古屋第二赤十字病院外科
【 要旨 】 入院患者の増加,重症化のなかで,安全,安楽な透析を行うためには,限られた時間のなかで迅速に情報を収集する必要がある.
Theme Computerization and Indication of the Clinical Chart
Title Effect of personal worksheets in obtaining patient information before hemodialysis
Author Kanae Yotsui Department of Nursing, Blood Purification Center, Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital
Author Yuriko Fujisaki Department of Nursing, Blood Purification Center, Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital
Author Yoshihiro Tominaga Department of Surgery, Renal Center, Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] The number of situations where there are a number of hemodialysis patients who require intensive treatment for complications due to chronic renal failure and need to be hospitalized in our institute is gradually increasing. To perform safe and comfortable hemodialysis it is necessary for the staff members working at hemodialysis centers to obtain adequate information on theses patients in a limited time. In our hospital, information about nursing for each patient admitted to each ward has been disseminated on individual sheets, called "worksheets", by nurses working on the wards and managed by a computer system. We try to use the worksheet to acquire the patients' information before every hemodialysis treatment. Before hemodialysis, the worksheets are taken from the computer system and printed out in the hemodialysis center. Based on the information gathered before hemodialysis, we can plan nursing care for each patient during hemodialysis. Moreover, the worksheet is very useful in having patients' information shared with all staff members working in the hemodialysis center and contributes to good team work.