臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.11(4)

特集名 電子カルテと情報開示
題名 透析看護におけるカルテ開示とコンピュータ化
発刊年月 2002年 10月
著者 佐藤 久光 増子記念病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 情報開示は時代の流れである.診療録(以下,カルテ)を患者や家族に開示することは医療の質的向上という側面からも有意義なことである.透析医療ではもともと情報開示は不可避的なものであった.患者や家族の理解と協力なしには治療そのものが成立しなかったからである.ただ,今日ではこれまで以上に記載内容に留意し,患者や家族に読んでもらうためのカルテであることを念頭におくべきだろう.
Theme Computerization and Indication of the Clinical Chart
Title Indications for use of charts and computer information for dialysis treatment
Author Hisamitsu Sato Department of Nursing, Masuko Institute for Medical Research
[ Summary ] Information disclosure is the current trend in medicine. It is useful to disclose information compiled in a consultation book to the patient and the family. This information is also useful in improving the quality of medical treatment. As for dialysis treatment, information dissemination is necessity from the outset, because dialysis is a form of treatment in which the patient's and the family's under standing and cooperation are both necessary. The use of computerization for charts progressing at this time. This has the potential to bring the qualitative changes in nursing. It will be possible to use a table that shows patient's problems quickly by inputting information in to the computer, also. However, these are only some of the nursing functions concerning records and arrangement of information. The purpose of computerization is to contribute to the considerations which have always been at the core of nursing practice.