臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.11(3)

特集名 電子カルテと情報開示
題名 電子カルテとPOMR
発刊年月 2002年 10月
著者 長尾 美紀子 正清会すみだ内科クリニック・診療情報管理士
【 要旨 】 長期維持透析医療では,診療録の情報量は膨大かつ多様で,適正医療の実践には診療録の整備が必須である.診療録の整備には電子カルテが有用である.
一方,POS(problem oriented system)は患者の個々の問題点に対して,主観的・客観的情報,医療者の評価・判断,治療・診断計画等を整理された形で記載することができ,POS形式で記載された問題志向型診療記録(problem oriented medical record;POMR)は,有用な科学的資源であり,また種々の工夫により看護業務等の日常業務に有効利用することができる臨床応用に適した診療録である.
Theme Computerization and Indication of the Clinical Chart
Title Usefulness of POMR based on an electronic medical record system
Author Mikiko Nagao Department of Management of Medical Record and Information, Sumida Medical Clinic
[ Summary ] We need enormous amounts of various medical information to maintain dialysis longitudinally. In order to deliver proper treatment, it is necessary to construct and manage an electronic medical record system, however it is very difficult to implement such a system for us in our daily clinical work.
POMR (problem oriented medical record) is very useful. However, it takes a great deal of effort to make POMR by manual labor. It is possible to use POMR to construct an electronic medical record system (POMR). POMR is very useful for daily clinical work and contribute to patient care. Moreover it is an excellent scientific resource.