臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.10(3-5)

特集名 モニタリング機器をどう取り扱うか -- 原理と応用・注意点
題名 特殊装置 (5) 透析用水連続微粒子モニタ
発刊年月 2002年 09月
著者 和田 茂 大阪掖済会病院人工透析室・臨床工学技士
著者 丸山 禎之 大阪掖済会病院人工透析室・臨床工学技士
著者 脇川 健 大阪掖済会病院内科
著者 山田 明子 大阪掖済会病院内科
著者 佐々木 敏作 大阪掖済会病院内科
【 要旨 】 エンドトキシン(ET)による血液汚染は発熱や血圧低下,また透析アミロイドーシスの発症にも関与するといわれ,透析用水中からのETの排除は重要となる.しかし,透析用水中には微生物由来以外に原水や配管由来の不溶性微粒子も浮遊しているとの報告があり,非生理物質となるこれらもET同様に生体反応を惹起させると推察される.
Theme How To Use Monitoring Machines
Title Laser particle monitor for dialysis fluid
Author Shigeru Wada Department of Hemodialysis Section, Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
Author Tadayuki Maruyama Department of Hemodialysis Section, Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
Author Takeshi Wakikawa Internal Medicine, Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
Author Akiko Yamada Internal Medicine, Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
Author Satoshi Sasaki Internal Medicine, Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
[ Summary ] Exclusion of endotoxins (ET) from water for dialysate is important, considering that exposure of dialysis patients to ET leads to fever, hypotension and dialysis-related amyloidosis. However, some reports suggest that insoluble particles in original water or from pipe-line other than those of originating from microorganisms, are contained in the dialysis fluid. These non-physiological substances, similar to ET, also may produce the forementioned reactions in dialysis patients. Although there is disagreement about the evaluation of water used for dialysate ET particle concentration, cannot be detected by the methods used for ET measurements, which specifically measure the concentrations of gram-negative bacillus. A conductivity meter cannot detect the non-charged substance either, though it can detect electrolytes and charged substances.
Therefore, we showed the efficacy of laser particle monitoring (MILPA, Mikunikikai, Ltd.), which detects particles larger than 0.1micro-m in the water by using a semiconductor laser. MILPA which could indicate particle values in water for dialysate when it cannot be measured by using ET measurements or a conductivity meter. Furthermore, we revealed the existence of particles in the pure dialysate through an ET cut filter, despite non-detectable ET concentrations. We considered that the purity of dialysis fluid can not be fully evaluated by analyzing only ET concentrations, as generally recommended, and that evaluation of particle values was also important.