臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.9(6)

特集名 透析療法と痴呆
題名 痴呆患者の介護とケアプラン
発刊年月 2001年 08月
著者 須貝 佑一 東京高齢者痴呆介護研究・研修センター
【 要旨 】 人口の高齢化は必然的に痴呆症の発症を増大させる.痴呆症の進行とともに精神不穏や行動異常が出没し,高齢者の介護をよりいっそう難しくさせている.痴呆症の治療は介護対応と結びついており,介護のあり方を工夫することは症状の緩和に重要な役割をもつ.そのためにも介護者の孤立を助ける方策が重要だ.現実を押しつけず,「説得より納得」が経験則から得られた痴呆症介護の原則である.進行した段階では身体合併症の治療とケアに重点が移っていく.医療の意味理解の低下した痴呆患者への高度の医療介入は本人ばかりでなく,家族,医療スタッフの負担となり,避けるべきであろう.
Theme Dementia of Haemodialysis Elder Patients
Title What to do for care of dementia patients and care planning
Author Yuuichi Sugai Tokyo Dementia Care Research and Training Center (D.C.R.C)
[ Summary ] The number of dementia patients is increasing because of an increase in the aged segment of the population. Almost all the dementing illness are slow in progression, but as yet irreversible. Care givers are disturbed by the emotional and psychological problemes as sociated with dementing illnesses or disabilities. Generally, dementing illnesses may be treated with medications. However, a combination of medications and appropriate care are both usually needed. Various resources could provide isolated care givers with relief from the burdens of daily care. In many experiences the fundamental principle of dementia care is the following phrase. "it is better to convince than to presuade". In the advanced stages, an emphasis should be put on care for associated diseases. Severly demented patients usually can not understand their own medical treatment. A majority of patients may be reluctant to accept treatment. Therefore, high level medical care is not always useful for the severly demented patients.