臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.9(5)

特集名 透析療法と痴呆
題名 痴呆の治療
発刊年月 2001年 08月
著者 植木 昭紀 兵庫医科大学精神科神経科学教室
【 要旨 】 痴呆はさまざまな原因疾患によって起こり,認知機能障害に加えて精神症状,行動異常を呈する症候群である.痴呆の治療としては,原因疾患,臨床症状の特性に応じ,薬物療法,心理社会的治療法,介護支援を組み合わせて行うのが一般的である.まず原因疾患を鑑別し,治療可能な痴呆を早期に見つけ出し,治療することが必要である.痴呆の原因疾患に対して治療法がない場合には,認知機能障害を少しでも賦活したり,精神症状,行動異常を改善させるための治療が行われることになる.とくに患者のみならず介護者にも大きな負担となり,入院,施設入所を促す原因となりやすい精神症状,行動異常に対する対応が重要となる.
Theme Dementia of Haemodialysis Elder Patients
Title Treatment for dementia
Author Akinori Ueki Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Dementia is caused by various diseases and presents a syndrome with psychiatric symptoms and behavioral problems, along with cognitive impairment. In regard to this treatment, it is common to combine various methodologies, such as of pharmacotherapy, psycho social treatment techniques, psychological support and education for family care givers in relation to the causes of disease and its clinical symptoms. It is necessary to cure the disease, by taking various steps. First, determine the cause of the disease and find a way to treat dementia in its treatable, early stages. If there is no treatment for the causes of dementia, it is better to enhance cognitive functions or produce treatments to improve psychiatric symptoms and behavioral problems. It will become a heavy burden, especially on caregivers as well as patients, therefore to learn how how to cope with the psychiatric symptoms and the behavioral problems associated with this, since this condition will become a major cause of institutationalization in nursing homes and psychiatric hospitals.