臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.9(4)

特集名 透析療法と痴呆
題名 透析導入後の痴呆の発症と進行
発刊年月 2001年 08月
著者 佐藤 喜一郎 北里大学医学部精神科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の平均年齢は60歳を超え,新規に透析に導入された患者の平均年齢も65歳に近くなった.透析患者でも,高齢者によくみられるような精神医学的問題が増加してきている.とくに,比較的軽い痴呆と痴呆周辺症状(behavior and psychological symptoms of dementia;BPSD)が増加してきた.せん妄や幻覚・妄想などの精神病的問題はしばしば家族や医療スタッフを困惑させるが,軽度の痴呆になった患者はそれ以上に厄介な問題をもたらし,BPSDは治療の妨げになる.昨年から,高齢者介護保険制度が始まった.しかし,痴呆の程度を的確に診断し,ケアの必要度を評価できる医師や介護・医療関係者はまだ十分ではない.また,軽症の痴呆患者は介護制度の対象になりにくい.透析治療に関係した医療スタッフは痴呆とBPSDをよりよく理解し,適切に対応することが要請されている.
Theme Dementia of Haemodialysis Elder Patients
Title Progress of dementia after introduction of dialysis
Author Kiichiro Sato Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Kitasato University
[ Summary ] The average age of dialysis patients isover 60 years of age and that of new patients being introduced to dialysis is near 65 years old. The number of psychiatric problems often seen in old people is increasing in relation to the number of elderly patients. Especially, the number of relatively slight dementia, behavioral and psychological symptoms related to dementia (BPSD) is increasing in elderly dialysis patients. Psychotic problems, such as delirium, hallucinations, delusions, etc often perplex patients' families and medical staffs. Patients with slight dementia produce problems for their families, the medical staffs and BPSD contributes to the obstruction of their treatment.
A care insurance system for elderly people began last year. But, many problems have already appeared. The number of doctors and related staffs who can precisely diagnose the degree of dementia and estimate the necessity of care is not yet sufficient. Patients with slight dementia are difficult subjects for the care system. The medical staffs of dialysis treatment and care units need to understand the nature of slight dementia and suitably respond to dialysis patients having dementia and BPSD.