臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.8(2-7)

特集名 透析患者における感染症学 ---- 診断と治療の進歩
題名 特殊な病態における感染症 (7) インフルエンザワクチンの効果
発刊年月 2001年 07月
著者 前田 貞亮 前田記念腎研究所
【 要旨 】 感染症死の増加する高齢化透析患者の時代,インフルエンザワクチン(Fluワクチン)の役割は大きい.175名の血液透析患者に対し,新しいワクチンは1回の接種で43%の症例は十分に血清HI抗体が40倍以上の安全圏に入る.1回接種で不十分なものは2回接種で上昇する.4カ月後もA(H1,N1)型は約70%,A(H3N2)型は89%,B型は2カ月までは83%,4カ月で73%で安全圏に入っている.1回接種で不十分なものは2回接種で上昇するが,その率は低く,またH1抗体価の平均価,中央値は1回群の約1/2である.60歳以上の患者ではそれ未満の患者に対して,2回法を含めて抗体価の上昇に有意差はなかったが,1回法で安全圏に入る割合は30%と低く,2回接種する必要な患者が存在する.抗体価の上昇の低い患者に対しては早期に診断し,ノイラミニダーゼ阻害薬を用いるか,A型であればアマンタジンを治療並びに予防的に用いる.
Theme Infections Diseases in Hemodialysis Patients -- the Progress of Diagnosis and Therapy
Title The Effects of Flu-vaccine administration on hemodialysis patients
Author Teiryo Maeda Maeda Institute of Renal Research
[ Summary ] One hundred seventy five hemodialysis patients received influenza vaccinations. In 43 of these patients, the level of hemagglutinin inhibitory antibody (HI) titer was above the 40 dilution titer, safety level for influenza infection. Those who could not get the safety level of serum HI with the 1st vaccination were able to achive it, after 2nd vaccination in the 80-90 percent of cases. The HI titer level for the group after 2nd vaccination was lower than for the 1st one. The average and middle titer levels were half of those seen in the initially the vaccinated group. In elder patients above 60 years of age, the safe titer level group included those in the 2nd vaccinated group. There was not a significant difference in the group under age 60, but percentage was lower than in the younger group with the 1st vaccination. Those patients who could not achive safe titer levels were recommended for administration of neuraminidase inhibiters and or amantadine.