臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.6(9-5)

特集名 腎不全における悪性腫瘍
題名 おもな癌腫の透析患者における治療成績 (5) リンパ・造血器腫瘍
発刊年月 2001年 06月
著者 舩越 哲 桜町クリニック
【 要旨 】 透析患者における造血器悪性腫瘍の症例はきわめて少なく,治療方針の決定は困難のようにも思われる.しかし,少ないながら報告を集計すると,治療成績は一般に考えられているほど悪くない.透析患者における抗癌剤の薬理動態・至適投与量・投与方法については,すでに成書となっているものもあり,血液専門医との連携チームを組むことで,病期にもよるが,透析患者においても治癒に導くことは十分可能と思われる.本稿では,骨髄移植以外に治癒の可能性のない慢性白血病等は除外し,頻度も高く,一般病棟で治療対象となる疾患,急性白血病と悪性リンパ腫について述べる.
Theme Malignancy in Chronic Renal Failure
Title Therapeutic outcome for hematological/lymphoid malignancies (HLM) in dialysis patients
Author Satoshi Funakoshi Sakuramachi Clinic
[ Summary ] The occurrence of HLM in dialysis patients is becoming more frequent. Here in we report the present status of therapeutic outcomes for these diseases, specifically in Japan. Accompaning with recent developments in treatment strategies, the therapeutic outcome for HLM is improving. An etiologic study has shown the incidence of HLM in non-dialysis patients is 3.0-4.6 for acute leukemia, and 4.4-7.5 in lymphomas, per 100.000 population. Compared to the present number of dialysis patients in Japan (200.000), the crude number of dialysis patient with HLM is thought to be quite low. There are several reports suggesting favorable prognoses for dialysis patient with HLM. Since HLM are life-threatening but "curable" diseases, treatment should be cure-oriented, even in dialysis patients. The initiative for treatment strategies is on the side of hematologists, but nephrologists need to offer supportive care, including dose-adjustment of anti-neoplastic reagents, methods of administration, risk management for infection during dialysis, and even mental health.