臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.6(9-3)

特集名 腎不全における悪性腫瘍
題名 おもな癌腫の透析患者における治療成績 (3) 膀胱癌
発刊年月 2001年 06月
著者 白井 純宏 野尻病院泌尿器科
著者 野尻 明弘 野尻病院泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 透析患者における悪性腫瘍の発生率は高いと報告されている.なかでも尿路系悪性腫瘍の占める割合は高く,透析医学会統計調査委員会の報告(1999年)では,消化器癌に次いで死亡原因の第2位を占めており,その原因として免疫力の低下や易感染性などがあげられている.
Theme Malignancy in Chronic Renal Failure
Title Treatment of bladder tumor in hemodialysis patients
Author Sumihiro Shirai Department of Urology, Nojiri Hospital
Author Akihiro Nojiri Department of Urology, Nojiri Hospital
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis patients', malignant tumors have high incidence rates of as compared to the general population. Above all, it is reported that the death, due to urinary cancers in hemodialysis patients, is the second only to alimentary canal tract cancers, as seen infigures provided by the Registration Committee Headquarters of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (1999).
In Japanese medical literature in which 35 casps of bladder it has been reported that the highest rate of urological malignancy is due to immunological insufficiencies in the compromised host.
In particular, advanced stage (pT 2<) amountted to 75% and radical cystectomies were performed on half of the total and radiation was performed on 13.2%.
It is important for hemodialysis patients that we find cancer in its early stages, because of an insufficiency of low urinary symptoms.