臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.6(9-2)

特集名 腎不全における悪性腫瘍
題名 おもな癌腫の透析患者における治療成績 (2) 腎癌
発刊年月 2001年 06月
著者 関野 宏 宏人会中央クリニック
【 要旨 】 われわれは,17年間に透析患者の腎癌62例の手術を経験した.ACDK由来の腎癌43例,非ACDK腎癌19例で,両者には,年齢,性別,原疾患,透析歴などに差異が認められた.術後生存率には差はなかったが,腎癌死1例,転移2例がACDK由来の腎癌に認められた.腎癌35例のダブリングタイム(DT)は,平均373日(35~1,614日)であった.TNM分類による進展度は腎癌死した1例のみがT3bN2M0で,他はすべてT1N0M0であった.透析患者の腎癌は,早期発見,早期治療によって予後は良くなると考えている.
Theme Malignancy in Chronic Renal Failure
Title Renal cell carcinoma
Author Hiroshi Sekino Kojinkai Chuo Clinic
[ Summary ] We have performed operations on 62 renal cell carcinomas (RCC) in hemodialysis patients over the last 17 years. They were divided into two groups; 43 patients with ACDK and 19 patients without ACDK. Significant differences between the two groups were observed in relation to age, sex, underlying diseases and duration of hemodialysis. There was no defference in survival rates, after operations in either group. One patients died due to RCC. Metastasis was discovered in 2 patients, with RCC with ACDK. The doubling time (DT), in 35 patients, was 373 days on average (ranging from 35 to 1614 days). The clinical stage, based on classification of TNM was T3bN2M0 in 1 patient, who died of RCC, and T1N0M0 in the remaining patients. It was concluded that the prognosis for hemodialysis patients with RCC was improved by use of a regular check-up system and early surgical treatment.