臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.6(9-1)

特集名 腎不全における悪性腫瘍
題名 おもな癌腫の透析患者における治療成績 (1) 消化器系癌 -- 胃癌・大腸癌・肝癌を中心に
発刊年月 2001年 06月
著者 金 昌雄 仁真会白鷺病院外科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の消化器系癌,とくに胃癌と大腸癌(結腸・直腸癌)の手術治療成績について,われわれの経験した症例に基づいて述べた.過去16年間に35症例の胃癌に対し手術を施行したが,25例(71%)が早期癌であり,10例(29%)が進行癌であった.これら症例の累積生存率をみると,早期癌の5生率は62%であり,進行癌の5生率は40%であった.しかし,透析患者では他病死例が多いので,術死および他病死を除いた累積生存率においては,早期癌の5生率は93%であり,進行癌の5生率は50%であった.
Theme Malignancy in Chronic Renal Failure
Title Treatment results of main malignant tumors on dialysis patients -- Carcinoma of digestive system (gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and liver cancer)
Author Masao Kim Department of Surgery, Jinshinkai Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] We examined the results of surgery for gastric and colorectal cancer on dialysis patients. Thirty-five patients were treated for gastric cancer over a 16 year period from 1985 to 2000. 25 patients (71%) had early cancers and 10 (29%) had advanced cancers.
The five-year actuarial survival rate for early cancer was 62%, and that for advanced cancer was 40% Except for operative death and death due to other diseases, the five-year survival rate for early cancer was 93% and that for advanced cancer was 50%.
Thirteen patients underwent colorectal cancer resection. Five patients (38%) had early cancers and eight patients (62%) had advanced cancer.
The five year survival rates were 80% and 25% respectively.