臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.6(2)

特集名 腎不全における悪性腫瘍
題名 腎不全状態と発癌
発刊年月 2001年 06月
著者 高山 文夫 名古屋大学医学部附属病院予防医療部
著者 丹羽 利充 名古屋大学医学部附属病院予防医療部
【 要旨 】 腎不全患者について悪性腫瘍の発生要因は未だ十分解明されていない.しかしながら,腎不全状態での尿毒症物質の蓄積は,細胞性免疫能の低下に伴う免疫調整機構の異常および細胞に直接作用して癌化の原因になると思われ,これらは明らかに透析療法で改善する.さらに,フェノール類,インドール類などの尿毒症物質は,透析により除去されにくく,発癌や免疫能低下をきたすものとして注目されている.また,透析療法自体も,フリーラジカルの絶対的亢進産生や慢性炎症によるサイトカインの産生亢進を引き起こし,細胞の癌化および悪性腫瘍の増殖因子になるかもしれない.これら多くの報告が腎不全状態が悪性腫瘍の発生を誘発していることを示唆している.
Theme Malignancy in Chronic Renal Failure
Title Increased risk of malignancy in uremia
Author Fumio Takayama Department of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Nagoya University Hospital
Author Toshimitsu Niwa Department of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Nagoya University Hospital
[ Summary ] The causative factors for the increased prevalence of malignancy in uremic patients have not yet been identified. However, the accumulation of uremic toxins in the blood of uremic patients is considered to be involved in carcinogenesis, due to immune deficiency, along with decreased cellular immunity and/or to their direct cellular effects. Renal replacement therapy, such as hemodialysis, improved immune deficiency to some extent, by removing these uremic toxins. Special uremic toxins, such as phenols and indoles, which are not efficiently removed by hemodialysis, have been noted as important candidates to induce immune deficiency and carcinogenesis. Further, hemodialysis procedures alone may also contribute to carcinogenesis and growth of malignant tumors, by increasing the generation of free radicals and cytokines, which accompany chronic inflammation. Thus, this evidence suggests that various uremic states may increase the prevalence of malignancy in uremic patients.